Synology DS923+ vs. FreeBSD w/ZFS

My interest in storage is longstanding—I loved playing with different file systems in my early Unix days and then I worked on Google’s and Microsoft’s distributed storage solutions—and, about four years ago, I started running a home-grown NAS leveraging FreeBSD and its excellent ZFS support. I first hosted the server on a PowerMac G5 and then upgraded it to an overkill 72-core ThinkStation that I snapped second-hand for a great price.

But as stable and low maintenance as FreeBSD is, running day-to-day services myself is not my idea of “fun”. This drove me to replace this machine’s routing functionality with a dedicated pfSense box a year ago and, for similar reasons, I have been curious about dedicated NAS solutions.

I was pretty close to buying a second-hand NAS from the work classifieds channel when a Synology marketing person (hi Kyle!) contacted me to offer a partnership: they’d ship me one of their devices for free in exchange for me publishing a few articles about it. Given my interest to drive-test one of these appliances without committing to buying one (they ain’t cheap and I wasn’t convinced I wanted to get rid of my FreeBSD-based solution), I was game.

And you guessed right: this article is one of those I promised to write but, before you stop reading, the answer is no. This post is not sponsored by Synology and has not been reviewed nor approved by them. The content here, including any opinions, are purely my own. And what I want do do here is compare how the Synology appliance stacks against my home-built FreeBSD server.

December 13, 2024 · Tags: blogsystem5, hardware
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A blog on operating systems, programming languages, testing, build systems, my own software projects and even personal productivity. Specifics include FreeBSD, Linux, Rust, Bazel and EndBASIC.

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Demystifying secure NFS

I recently got a Synology DS923+ for evaluation purposes which led me to setting up NFSv4 with Kerberos. I had done this about a year ago with FreeBSD as the host, and going through this process once again reminded me of how painful it is to secure an NFS connection.

You see, Samba is much easier to set up, but because NFS is the native file sharing protocol of Unix systems, I felt compelled to use it instead. However, if you opt for NFSv3 (the “easy default”), you are left with a system that has zero security: traffic travels unencrypted and unsigned, and the server trusts the client when the client asserts who is who. Madness for today’s standards. Yet, when you look around, people say “oh, but NFSv3 is fine if you trust the network!” But seriously, who trusts the network in this day and age?

You have to turn to NFSv4 and combine it with Kerberos for a secure file sharing option. And let me tell you: the experience of setting these up and getting things to work is horrible, and the documentation out there is terrible. Most documents are operating-system specific so they only tell you what works when a specific server and a specific client talk to each other. Other documents just assume, and thus omit, various important details of the configuration.

So. This article is my recollection of “lab notes” on how to set this whole thing up along with the necessary background to understand NFSv4 and Kerberos. My specific setup involes the Synology DS923+ as the NFSv4 server; Fedora, Debian, and FreeBSD clients; and the supporting KDC on a pfSense (or FreeBSD) box.

November 3, 2024 · Tags: blogsystem5, unix
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BazelCon 2024 recap

Just like that, BazelCon 2024 came and went. So… it’s obviously time to summarize the two events of last week: BazelCon 2024 and the adjacent Build Meetup. There is A LOT to cover, but everything is here in just one article!

October 22, 2024 · Tags: bazel, blogsystem5, snowflake
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The costs of the i386 to x86-64 upgrade

If you read my previous article on DOS memory models, you may have dismissed everything I wrote as “legacy cruft from the 1990s that nobody cares about any longer”. After all, computers have evolved from sporting 8-bit processors to 64-bit processors and, on the way, the amount of memory that these computers can leverage has grown orders of magnitude: the 8086, a 16-bit machine with a 20-bit address space, could only use 1MB of memory while today’s 64-bit machines can theoretically access 16EB.

All of this growth has been in service of ever-growing programs. But… even if programs are now more sophisticated than they were before, do they all really require access to a 64-bit address space? Has the growth from 8 to 64 bits been a net positive in performance terms?

Let’s try to answer those questions to find some very surprising answers. But first, some theory.

October 7, 2024 · Tags: blogsystem5, hardware, unix
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Revisiting the DOS memory models

At the beginning of the year, I wrote a bunch of articles on the various tricks DOS played to overcome the tight memory limits of x86's real mode. There was one question that came up and remained unanswered: what were the various models that the compilers of the day offered?

Tiny, small, medium, compact, large, huge... What did these options mean? What were their effects? And, more importantly... is any of that legacy relevant today in the world of 64-bit machines and gigabytes of RAM? To answer those questions, we must start with a brief review of the 8086 architecture and the binary formats supported by DOS.

September 30, 2024 · Tags: blogsystem5, dos
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Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison

Over the years, I’ve repeatedly heard that Windows NT is a very advanced operating system and, being a Unix person myself, it has bothered me to not know why. I’ve been meaning to answer this question for years and I can do so now, which means I want to present you my findings.

My desire to know about NT’s internals started in 2006 when I applied to the Google Summer of Code program to develop Boost.Process. I needed such a library for ATF, but I also saw the project as a chance to learn something about the Win32 API. This journey then continued in 2020 with me choosing to join Microsoft after a long stint at Google and me buying the Windows Internals 5th edition book in 2021 (which I never fully read due to its incredible detail and length). None of these made me learn what I wanted though: the ways in which NT fundamentally differs from Unix, if at all.

September 9, 2024 · Tags: blogsystem5, unix, windows
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Picking glibc versions at runtime

In a recent work discussion, I came across an argument that didn’t sound quite right. The claim was that we needed to set up containers in our developer machines in order to run tests against a modern glibc. The justifications were that using LD_LIBRARY_PATH to load a different glibc didn’t work and statically linking glibc wasn’t possible either.

But… running a program against a version of glibc that’s different from the one installed on the system seems like a pretty standard requirement, doesn’t it? Consider this: how do the developers of glibc test their changes? glibc has existed for much longer than containers have. And before containers existed, they surely weren’t testing glibc changes by installing modified versions of the library over the system-wide one and YOLOing it.

August 11, 2024 · Tags: blogsystem5, programming, unix
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Kyua graduates

After years of inactivity, the Kyua project has graduated as an open source citizen and has a new home under the FreeBSD umbrella!

But uh… wait, what is Kyua and why is this exciting? To resolve confusion and celebrate this milestone, I’d like to revisit what Kyua is, how it came to be, why I stopped working on it for a while, why that was a problem for FreeBSD—and, indirectly, NetBSD—and how Kyua being free software has helped keep it alive.

August 2, 2024 · Tags: blogsystem5, freebsd, kyua, netbsd
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Rust doesn't solve the CrowdStrike outage

Look, I like Rust. I really, really do, and I agree with the premise that memory-unsafe languages like C++ should not be used anymore. But claiming that Rust would have prevented the massive outage that the world went through last Friday is misleading and actively harmful to Rust’s evangelism.

Having CrowdStrike written in Rust would have minimized the chances of the outage happening, but not resolved the root cause that allowed the outage to happen in the first place. Thus, it irks me to see various folks blanket-claiming that Rust is the answer. It’s not, and pushing this agenda hurts Rust’s adoption more than it helps: C++ experts can understand the root cause and see that this claim is misleading, causing further divide in the systems programming world.

So, why won’t Rust help? Let me try to answer that question, but while we are at it, let’s also delve deeper into the causes of the outage. In a way, let me put my SRE hat on and write my own version of the postmortem.

July 23, 2024 · Tags: blogsystem5, opinion, rust
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20 years of blogging

Blog System/5 hasn’t always been called this way and it hasn’t been my first experience with blogging either. In fact, today marks the 20th anniversary of this publication in its various incarnations so it’s time for a bit of reflection.

Just to set context for when 20 years ago was: Windows XP was almost 3 years old, Ubuntu had just debuted, Apple computers were still PowerPC-based, Half Life 2 was about to launch, and Slashdot was the place to be instead of the yet-to-be-created Hacker News. As for myself, I was still in college, had copious amounts of free time, and was a really active contributor to NetBSD.

June 22, 2024 · Tags: blog, blogsystem5
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A blog on operating systems, programming languages, testing, build systems, my own software projects and even personal productivity. Specifics include FreeBSD, Linux, Rust, Bazel and EndBASIC.

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