Nexus 9, focused writing, and more

About three weeks ago, I got a Nexus 9 and its accompanying Folio case+keyboard at work with the main goal of drive-testing Google's mobile apps.

Being "free" hardware for testing I could not turn it down, but at first I honestly was not sure what to do with it: I already got a Nexus 10 last year and exchanged it soon after for a Nexus 7 because I did not did not like its bulky feeling. The Nexus 7, on the other hand, is the perfect size for reading news, articles, and books, which is basically the only thing I (used to) do with the tablet.

March 20, 2015 · Tags: android, review, tablet, writing
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One month in with Android Wear

Or: A review of the LG G Watch.

Right before the Christmas holidays, I was gifted an LG G Watch Black Titan, a relatively simple smartwatch that sports the new Android Wear operating system:

After over a month of daily use, I am now comfortable about writing about my impressions. But, before doing that, let me set this review in the right context.

February 5, 2015 · Tags: android, review, wearables
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