Showing 3 posts
How would you best organize your work environment for maximum productivity if you were tasked to develop a type of application you had never developed before?
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could witness how an experienced developer manages the tools of the craft so that you could draw ideas and incorporate them into your own workflow?
This post aims to answer the above for the type of work I do by sharing how my workflow looks like. I want to compel you to share your own story in the comments section, and by doing so, create a collection of stories so that others can benefit from them.
September 7, 2015
best-practices, development, essay, featured, workflow
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11 minutes)
You are the developer in charge to resolve a problem and have prepared a changelist to fix the bug. You need the changelist to be reviewed by someone else before checkin. Your changelist is an ugly hack.
What kind of response are you gonna get from your reviewer? Well as with everything: it depends!
(Cover image courtesy of
If you have:
then your reviewer will most likely just accept the change without fuss (!) and will proceed to review its contents per se. But if you miss any of those steps, then your reviewer is going to be super-critical about your changelist and any further related changes you may want to commit.
June 19, 2015
best-practices, development, essay, featured, software
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6 minutes)
Do you have any idea which online services and stores have you given your email address to? Are you able to quantify the effort it would take to fully migrate to a different email account if you ever wanted to?
(Cover image courtesy of
Three years ago, I was not able to answer these two simple questions when I decided to move my email account to our new family-owned domain. Today? I trivially can, and so can you.
June 6, 2015
best-practices, email, essay, featured, workflow
Continue reading (about
8 minutes)