Showing 12 posts
Blog System/5 hasn’t always been called this way and it hasn’t been my first experience with blogging either. In fact, today marks the 20th anniversary of this publication in its various incarnations so it’s time for a bit of reflection.
Just to set context for when 20 years ago was: Windows XP was almost 3 years old, Ubuntu had just debuted, Apple computers were still PowerPC-based, Half Life 2 was about to launch, and Slashdot was the place to be instead of the yet-to-be-created Hacker News. As for myself, I was still in college, had copious amounts of free time, and was a really active contributor to NetBSD.
June 22, 2024
blog, blogsystem5
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14 minutes)
Blog System/5 is my new Substack publication in which I write about the variety of software and systems engineering topics that pique my interest. If that sounds too generic to you, it’s because it is: there are too many cool things to write about! And yes, this sounds exactly the same as this blog. Read on to understand the motivation behind the new publication and subscribe now to not miss a beat!
October 27, 2023
blog, blogsystem5
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3 minutes)
Fellow readers! The radio silence for the last two months has an explanation. I’ve been busy creating a custom email subscription service for this blog, all so that you can be notified about new posts without the noise added by intermediaries. This feature is built into a little Rust web service that already offered analytics, page comments and more, and that can be potentially integrated into arbitrary static websites. Read on for what was involved, stay tuned for a deep dive on the internals, and… upfront apologies if this first email does the wrong thing!
June 16, 2023
blog, endtracker
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5 minutes)
Just a couple of weeks ago, I described my home-grown analytics service for this site. Today, I’m here to describe a couple of related updates: namely, the support for comments and the complete removal of client-side fingerprinting.
February 16, 2022
blog, endtracker
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4 minutes)
One thing that had been bothering me about my websites—including this blog, but especially when launching just a few months ago—was this:
A tracking warning. uBlock complained that my properties had one tracker. And it’s true they had just one: it was Google Analytics, or GA for short.
GA is the de-facto standard for web analytics: it is extremely powerful and ubiquitous. However, GA has grown exceedingly complicated, installs cookies (thus requiring the utterly annoying cookie warning in the EU), has issues with the GDPR, and, depending on how you look at it, is also very privacy invasive.
February 1, 2022
blog, endtracker
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13 minutes)
An announcement that explains why this blog has had to migrate from FeedBurner-based email subscriptions to a new service offered by If you were subscribed before, please read this; and if you weren’t, please consider subscribing now.
July 2, 2021
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2 minutes)
This is what landing on the Hacker News front page does to your usually-dormant site:
In other words, this is what the Windows Subsystem for Linux: The lost potential post caused:
To summarize: a one-off bump with no long-term engagement effects.
November 23, 2020
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11 minutes)
It is done. This site is now powered by Hugo instead of Jekyll. It took me a full week’s worth of early mornings to achieve, but the results are great… internally, that is, because as a reader you should notice no changes other than minor style tweaks.
As of today, this site hosts 711 posts totaling 3.4MB of text. The style sheet is based on Bootstrap and is built from scratch using SASS.
February 24, 2018
blog, writing
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6 minutes)
Back in May 2015, I was lured to Medium by its simplicity and growing community, which resulted in me posting a bunch of articles there and enjoying every moment of it. But, eventually, I noticed that I was losing control of my content. So a year later, my experiments to create static homepage resulted in me moving from Blogger and Medium to a Jekyll-managed site.
Almost two years have passed since that migration and I can only count 7 miserable new posts. This ridiculously-low number, unfortunately, doesn’t track my willingness to write—but the friction to posting has become so high that I fear composing new essays.
February 19, 2018
blog, writing
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8 minutes)
Eight months ago, I decided to try Medium as the platform on which to post my essays. Over this time I have published a handful of posts in there—8, to be precise, which is… a very shy number—but the results have been quite satisfactory: the WYSIWYG composer is excellent, the analytics tools are simple but to the point, the looks are great, and the community is nice (though I haven’t been able to tap into it just yet). But where have things failed?
January 28, 2016
blog, markdown2social, writing
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5 minutes)
For the last couple of weeks, I have been pondering the creation of a Kyua-specific blog. And, after a lot of consideration, I have finally taken the plunge. Say hello to Engineering Kyua!
June 4, 2012
blog, kyua
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3 minutes)
Blogger announced yesterday multiple improvements to their service. These are still in beta — as almost all other Google stuff, you know ;-) — and are being offered to existing users progressively. To my surprise, the option to migrate was available on my dashboard today so I applied for it; I was very interested in the post labelling feature.
The migration process has been flawless and trivial. After the change nothing seemed to have changed except for some minor nits in the UI. I looked around for the labels feature but discovered that it is only available once you migrate to the new "layouts system", an easier way to desing your blog's look.
The switch to layouts scared me a bit because I was afraid of not being able to integrate the Statcounter code back again. But after verifying that the change was reversible, I tried it. I can confirm that the new customization page is much, much easier to use than before, although still too limited (direct HTML editing is not available yet). Oh, and I seized the oportunity to switch to a slightly different theme (yes, it was available before).
Aside from that there are some new nice features such as RSS feeds (weren't they there before?), a better archive navigation (see the right bar), integration with Google accounts and many other things I'm surely missing.
Summarizing: It has taken a long while for the Google people to upgrade Blogger's service, but the wait has been worth it. Now more than ever, I don't regret migrating from Livejournal to this site almost a year ago.
August 16, 2006
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2 minutes)