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Let's face it: spawning child processes in Unix is a "mess". Yes, the interfaces involved (fork, wait, pipe) are really elegant and easy to understand, but every single time you need to spawn a new child process to, later on, execute a random command, you have to write quite a bunch of error-prone code to cope with it. If you have ever used any other programming language with higher-level abstraction layers — just check Python's subprocess.Popen — you surely understand what I mean.
run_ls(const void *v)
return atf_no_error();
atf_process_stream_t outsb, errsb;
atf_process_child_t child;
atf_process_status_t status;
atf_process_status_init_redirect_path(&outsb, "ls.out");
atf_process_status_init_redirect_path(&errsb, "ls.err");
atf_process_fork(&child, run_ls, &outsb, &errsb, NULL);
... yeah, here comes the concurrency! ...
atf_process_child_wait(&child, &status);
if (atf_process_status_exited(&status))
printf("Exit: %dn", atf_process_status_exitstatus(&status));
June 21, 2009
atf, boost-process, c
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For some unknown reason, I'm regaining interest in Boost.Process lately. I guess many of the people who have written me in the past asking for the status of the library will be happy to hear this, but I can't promise I will stick to coding it for long. I have to say that I have received compliments from quite a few people... thanks if you are reading and sorry if I did not reply you at all.
October 18, 2008
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These days I'm seizing some of my free time to continue what I did as my SoC 2006 project: the Boost.Process library. There is still a lot of work to be done, but some items are annoying enough to require early attention (well, I can't speak of "early" because I hadn't touched the code for months).
Boost.Process aims to be a cross-platform library and currently works under POSIX-based systems (such as Linux, NetBSD or Mac OS X) as well as under Win32 systems. However, developing such a thing is not easy if you don't have concurrent access to both systems to test your code as you go. That is because, past summer, Win32 support was "second class": I first coded everything under NetBSD and, eventually, I fired up my Windows XP installation and fixed any problems that arised due to the new code. This was suboptimal and really slowed down the development of the library.
Now, with a MacBook Pro and Parallels Desktop for Mac, these issues have gone away. I can now code under whichever system I want and immediately test my changes on the other system without having to reboot! It's so convenient...
And, with Coherence mode, everything is so transparent... just check out the following screenshot:
To make things better I could share the project's code over the virtual network to avoid having to commit changes to the public repository before having tested them on the two systems. If you inspect the logs, you'll see many "Add feature X" commits followed by a "Fix previous under Win32". But it is a minor issue right now.
Kudos to the Parallels developers, who made this possible and painless. I now understand the "computer as a tool" paradigm rather than a "computer as a hobby".
April 2, 2007
boost-process, parallels, virtualization
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About a week ago, my desktop machine was driving me crazy because I couldn’t comfortably work on anything other than NetBSD and pkgsrc themselves. With “other work” I’m referring to Boost.Process and, most importantly, university assignments. Given my painless experience with the iBook G4 laptop I’ve had for around a year, I was decided to replace the desktop machine with a Mac—most likely a brand-new iMac 20"—to run Mac OS X on top of it exclusively—OK, OK, alongside Windows XP to satisfy the eventual willingness to play some games.
September 28, 2006
boost-process, macos, ubuntu
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One of SoC's most important goals is the introduction of students to the free software world; this way there are high chances that they will keep contributing even when SoC is over. Students already familiar with FOSS (as was my case both years) are also allowed to participate because they can seize the Summer to learn new stuff and improve their skills.
As I expected, the development of Boost.Process has taught me multiple new things. First of all, I wanted to get familiar with the Win32 API because I knew nothing about it. I have achieved this objective by learning the details about process and file management and making Boost.Process work under this platform. Sincerely, Win32 is overly complex but has some interesting features.
Secondly, I have got a lot more fluent with C++ templates and have learned some curious coding techniques that I never thought about in the past. The most impressive one in my opinion is that templates can be used to achieve build time specialization, avoiding expensive virtual tables at run time and inheritance when these are not really needed. (I only considered them for polimorphic containers before.)
At last, I have also got into several utilities used for Boost development. Among them are Quickbook for easy document writing, Boost.Build v2 for portable software building and the Boost Unit Test library for painlessly creating automated test suites.
All in all I'm happy with the outcome of the project and the new knowledge. If SoC happens again, you should really consider joining if you have the chance!
August 22, 2006
boost-process, soc
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SoC 2006 is officially over — at least for me in my timezone. Given that the Subversion repository has some problems with public access, I've tagged the current sources as the first public version and uploaded a couple of tarballs to the Boost Vault. Both the tag and the tarballs will also serve historical purposes, specially when newer ones come ;-)
You can download the archives from the Process directory in tar.gz and ZIP formats. Enjoy!
August 21, 2006
boost-process, soc
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As everybody is not comfortable accessing Subversion repositories to download source code, I've posted two tarballs with Boost.Process' sources. They include an exported copy of the repository contents as well as prebuilt documentation in the libs/process/doc/html subdirectory.
You can download the compressed archive either in tar.gz format or in ZIP. Keep in mind that these will be updated very frequently so please do not use them to prepackage the library.
Changes from yesterday's announcement are minor at this point. For the curious ones: there is now a list of pending work and the Last revised item in the main page has been fixed. As a side effect of this last change, Boostbook will support SVN's $Date$ tags if my patch is integrated :-)
August 17, 2006
boost-process, soc
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In a rush to publish Boost.Process before the SoC deadline arrives, I've been working intensively during the past two days to polish some issues raised by my mentor. First of all I've added some Win32-specific classes so that the library does not seem Unix-only. These new classes provide functionality only available under Windows and, on the documentation side, they come with a couple of extra examples to demonstrate their functionality.
Speaking of documentation, it has been improved a lot. The usage chapter has been rewritten almost completely; it has gained a couple of tutorials and all the platform-specific details in it have been moved to two new chapters. One of them focuses on explaining those features available only under a specific operating system while the other summarizes multiple portability issues that may arise when using the generic classes. Additionally, a chapter about supported systems and compilers has been added.
There are still two big things missing that shall be worked on in the (very) short term: add a design decisions chapter to the documentation and incorporate asynchronous functionality to the library by using Boost.Asio. This last thing is needed to keep things simple from the user 's point of view (i.e. no threads on his code).
Check out the official announcement for more details.
I guess that this closes SoC for me this year. There are still going to be some changes before Monday but don't expect anything spectacular (I'll be away during the weekend... hopefully ;-). But don't be afraid! Work on this project will continue afterwards!
August 16, 2006
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Only 8 more days and SoC will be officially over... Time has passed very fast and my project required much more work than I initially thought. It certainly cannot be completed before the deadline but I assure you that it will not fall into oblivion afterwards; I have spent too much time on it to forget ;-)
There have been many changes in Boost.Process' code base since the previous status report; let's see a brief summary:
August 12, 2006
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My Boost.Process prototype is almost feature complete; the major thing that is still not included is the ability to create pipelines. I should address that as soon as possible because I'm afraid it will have some impact on the existing classes, but for now I wanted to start documenting some code. There are already 21 header files to document and doing so is by no means an easy task.
In order to document the library's API I've decided to use Doxygen, a documentation system for multiple languages including, obviously, C++. Doxygen scans your source files looking for special comments that document classes, methods and any other part of the code. Then, the comments are extracted alongside with the code structure and are used to automatically generate reference documentation in whichever format you want (HTML, LaTeX, XML, etc.).
Doxygen is widely used and nicely integrated within Boost.Build. Boost's build system automatically generates the required configuration file for Doxygen (the Doxyfile) and lets you merge the resuting files with your other BoostBook (or QuickBook) documents painlessly.
So far I like this tool very much. Keeping the documentation alongside the source code helps in keeping it consistent and makes it immediately available to the curious developer reading the code. Furthermore, it provides tags to format anything you can imagine: preconditions, postconditions, thrown exceptions, results, etc.
The results? Take a look at the Reference section in the Boost.Process' manual ;-) At the moment of this writing only the classes in the detail subdirectory are documented, which correspond to sections 5.10 through 5.13.
July 26, 2006
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Another week has passed and I'm happy to announce that the Boost.Process prototype is now completely ported to the Win32 API. In other words, a program can use the current library to transparently manage child processes both from Windows and Unix systems.
There are still several rough edges and incomplete classes but the code passes the test suite on both systems :-) OK, you know that passing a test suite does not mean that the code is correct; it only means that it complies with the existing tests. So... more tests are needed to spot the existing failures.
I'm now going to clean up some parts of the code that make little sense after the huge rototill to port the code to Win32; basically, the internal pipe class and its usage. Then, I'll try to complete the missing Unix-specific bits.
Why did I say a "huge rototill"? After starting to port some code to Windows, I discovered the CRT library. For a moment, I thought that the porting could be easy, given that this supports the standard POSIX file descriptors and calls (open(2), read(2), etc.). Unfortunately, I quickly realized that using the CRT could not integrate well with the native Win32 API; and worse, I discovered that Windows only supports communicating with child processes through the three standard channels (stdin, stdout and stderr). This restriction has forced me to redo most of the existing design and code to offer a clean and common interface on both platforms; file descriptors are now hidden all around unless you explicitly want to see them.
Of course this means that the classes used to launch child processes now only accept these three channels, something that is not powerful enough in a Unix system. In these OSes, processes may need to set up extra communcation pipes with children to retrieve additional information (dbus and GPG come to my mind), so there shall be POSIX-specific classes that allow this interface.
I would like to finish the clean up and the addition of POSIX-specific code by the end of the month alongside some simple documentation (formal code examples). The idea is to be able to publish it for informal review soon afterwards (beginning of August).
July 21, 2006
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Mmm... SoC. Multiple things have been going on lately in my SoC project, yet I've kept you uninformed. As I already told you, my project aims to develop a C++ library for the Boost project to manage child processes; it's named Boost.Process.
During June I discussed with Jeff Garland — my mentor — the general design of the library. The design is surely not final but it is a lot better than it was at its first sketches. For example: it makes use of templates where appropriate to let the user replace any part of the library with his own code (more or less). I must say he has been very patient with all my questions and has provided extremely valuable information.
I also seized that month to investigate a bit the Win32 API because the library must work on Windows too. I couldn't do much more during that time because I was busy with semester's final exams. All passed by the way :-)
And now to the interesting thing. I've spent the past week (almost two) implementing a preliminary prototype. It is still incomplete but has already raised many issues; you know, it is hard to get into the details (that affect the design) without coding a bit. The prototype also includes multiple unit tests to ensure that everything works, as it shall be; Boost's Unit Test Framework is a really nice tool to implement them.
Browse the source code for more details.
July 13, 2006
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I have spent some time during the past few days to play with the Win32 API again after a year since first looking at them. I must learn how to manage processes under Windows as part of my SoC project, Boost.Process, and this involves native Windows programming with the Win32 API.
After creating a fresh C++ Win32 console application project from Visual Studio 2005, I noticed that the template code had a _tmain function rather than a main one. I did not pay much attention to it until I looked at some code examples that deal with the CreateProcess call: they use weirdly named functions such as _tcsdup and types as _TCHAR instead of the traditional strdup and char * respectively. I could not resist to learn why they did this.
Spending some time searching and reading the MSDN documentation answered my question. These functions and types are wrappers around the standard objects: the functions and types they really point to depend on whether you define the _UNICODE macro during the build or not.
As you can easily guess, defining _UNICODE maps those routines and types to entities that can handle Unicode strings, effectively making your application Unicode-aware. Similarly, if you do not define the symbol, the application remains SBCS/MBCS compatible (the distinction between these two also depends on another macro, as far as I can tell). And because all these redirections are handled by the preprocessor, there is no run-time overhead.
For example: the _tmain function is mapped to the traditional main subroutine if and only if _UNICODE is undefined while it is mapped to wmain otherwise. The latter takes wide-character argv and envp pointers in contrast to the former.
I do not know to which extent this macro is supported by the standard libraries, although I bet almost everything supports it; I have seen many other functions taking advantage of this redirection. In the specific domain I am analyzing, there are two implementations for CreateProcess: CreateProcessW, the Unicode version; and CreateProcessA, the ANSI one.
OK, my knowledge about internationalization is very limited, and I do not know if this feature is very useful or not, but it seems quite interesting at the very least.
See Routine Mappings (CRT) and main: Program Startup (C++) for more details.
Edit (17:24): Changed MFC references to Win32. Thanks to Jason for pointing out the difference between the two in one of the comments. I am in fact investigating the latter.
June 14, 2006
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I am very proud to annouce that I have been accepted into Google's Summer of Code program — again! During Summer 2005 I developed an efficient, memory-based file system for the NetBSD operating system, baptized tmpfs. I must confess that I enjoyed very much hacking the NetBSD kernel and also learned a lot about file systems.
So this year I was eager to repeat the experience by taking part in SoC again. In order to ensure my participation, I thoroughly prepared three applications for three different projects. I had a hard time making the choices because there were tons of interesting projects (which could have taught me very different skills), but at last decided for the following:
May 24, 2006
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During the past two days, I've been working (again) on my Boost Process library idea. While doing so, I realized that I don't know anything at all about coding for Windows using the MFC. I must learn how to handle processes under this platform to be able to design a correct abstraction layer for process management.
It's time to do so. I booted Windows XP, downloaded Borland's C++ Builder 5 command line tools (that is, the C++ free compiler) and installed it following the instructions (not a "trivial" task). Man, it's damn fast compared to GNU g++, as seen while building some Boost's code.
June 20, 2005
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