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EuroBSDCon 2013 is done. If you have been following my daily posts over the last 4 days (day 1, day 2, day 3 and day 4) as well as #EuroBSDCon updates in Twitter, you may already have a pretty good idea of what went on here. However, with the conference over, it is now a good time to recap the whole event and present the takeaways of these four days which, overall, were quite interesting and productive.
September 30, 2013
eurobsdcon, freebsd, kyua, netbsd
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6 minutes)
Live from Malta today attending the EuroBSDCon 2013 conference. The conference is over; today was the second and last day and it has just finished.
Hardware and virtualization
One of the three tracks today included a lot of talks on hardware, porting of BSDs to new hardware and virtualization techniques. Of all these, the few talks I attended covered the topics in great detail and proved to be very interesting.
September 29, 2013
conference, eurobsdcon, kyua, virtualization
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4 minutes)
Live from Malta today attending the EuroBSDCon 2013 conference. Today is the first day of the conference itself. Many more people have shown up as expected and there have been tons of very interesting talks all the time. It is both good and bad that there are several tracks: you can select the topic you are most interested in, but sometimes great talks overlap!
Today's opening session was led by Theo de Raadt, the founder of OpenBSD. His keynote focused on explaining how there is no real research happening on operating systems any more and how new, risky technological changes can be tested in a real-world system like OpenBSD.
September 28, 2013
conference, eurobsdcon, kyua, netbsd
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4 minutes)
Live from Malta today attending the EuroBSDCon 2013 conference. Today is the second day of tutorials, still overlapped by the second day of the FreeBSD devsummit and the only day of the NetBSD devsummit.
Hallway conversations are powerful and, in my opinion, the best aspect of these conferences.
I had the chance today to talk to Peter Hessler from OpenBSD. Only 15 to 20 minutes of discussion were necessary to learn a lot about how the OpenBSD project is run and to clear some of the misconceptions I had, which I don't know where I got from. One obvious example is that OpenBSD does support SMP and has in fact been doing so for a long time — except, of course, for the fact that the giant kernel lock is still being removed.
September 27, 2013
conference, eurobsdcon, freebsd, openbsd, pcbsd
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4 minutes)
Hello everyone! Live from Malta today attending the EuroBSDCon 2013 conference.
Today is the first day out of four: two days of tutorials and two days of actual conference. The tutorials are overlapped by two days of the usual FreeBSD Developer Summit (devsummit for short) and one day of the infrequent NetBSD Developer Summit.
The ambient here is pretty good already: lots of enthusiastic people catching up since the last time they met each other and, more importantly, discussing ongoing developments. Keeping in mind that this is only the first day of tutorials and not the proper conference, things look promising: many more people are expected to join on Saturday.
September 26, 2013
conference, eurobsdcon, freebsd, netbsd
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3 minutes)