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A friend of mine recently started a blog called Dirt and the City and, because he has invited me to contribute to it, I feel like posting a reference here ;-)
Dirt and the City is a blog that intends to show you the "ugly" (literally) side of NYC. The blog is named after a famous TV show filmed in this same city; I haven't watched the show myself, but I bet that there is no dirt to be seen in it. If you are wondering what the city really looks like, this blog is your place.
But, before visiting the blog, be sure to take it as it is meant to be: just a fun collection of photos! If you ever want to visit NYC, don't let the contents of the blog change your plans. You will definitely enjoy your visit regardless.
Without further ado, and just in case you missed the link above, click here to visit Dirt and the City.
September 4, 2011
nyc, photos
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That's it. Two days ago I landed in Barcelona and my stay in NYC finished. I was happy to see family and friends again, but I'm missing NYC and, in special, the people there a lot.
I'm actually considering moving to NYC as soon as I find a decent job there and postponing the acquisition of a Ph.D. Many people says I should just do that, but some friends say that my feelings will eventually go away and I'll feel comfortable here again. I know that this second thing is true, but why should I accept that if there is a chance for a change? Why can't I try to go and live there? Why do I have to hurt the people I met there? I can think of some reasons to stay in Barcelona for, but I can also think of more interesting reasons to leave.
Anyway... don't worry, this is not the common post you'll find in this blog! I think I'll just go back to blogging about technical stuff. I know I still have to prepare a summary post for the stay and probably a relatively small selection of photos, but I think that will come later. If you ever can go to NYC, don't doubt: just do it.
December 17, 2008
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That's it. My internship at Google finished this past Thursday (that is one day and a half ago) and I'm going back to Spain on December 2nd. A week and a half to go and my time at NYC is over. Quick summary: the internship has been great, working at Google is amazing and my project was more or less finished.
I'll provide more details about the whole experience later when I'm back to my country, but now is vacations time. I really need to relax a bit; haven't had vacations for more than a year and a half! And, when I get back, I'll have to start working on my Ph.D. immediately.
So what am I going to do? I'm leaving to San Francisco tomorrow morning and I'll spend four days there by myself, exploring that other nice city. I'll be back to NYC for thanksgiving and then use the rest of the days to visit a couple of museums, buy presents and, if time permits, visit Washington DC.
Next post will probably be from San Francisco ;) C ya.
November 22, 2008
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I've landed this morning in San Francisco at 9.00am (which means I left NYC at 6.00am!) and went straight down to the Google Headquarters in Mountain View. No sleep at all except for a little bit of pseudo-sleep in the plane. The Google campus is really nice. It puts the NYC offices in an inferior level than I thought :P But the only problem is that the area surrounding the campus is basically empty. Very small houses and lots of space between them, which is not bad per se... but means that there really is not much to do.
Anyway. What am I doing here? I am attending the Google Summer of Code 2008 Mentors Summit this weekend, but came a bit earlier to be able to do a couple of meetings with coworkers in the Mountain View office. Pretty exhausting day, and it is not close to over yet!
Just enjoy the few photos I've taken so far.
PS: Been playing mini-golf on-board until I got an unasked segmentation fault.
October 24, 2008
google, nyc, soc
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Yesterday night, we went to a techno club — Webster Hall — which had Carl Cox as an invited DJ. Some of my friends around here enjoy this music and said this was a great DJ, so we couldn't miss it. He indeed was good.
October 18, 2008
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Wow, I haven't blogged for a long time (a month since last post) and I'm already counting down my days in NYC... less than a month and a half left here :-( I certainly miss some things from home, such as the nice little (non-fancy) bars, my bike, the gym, a nice house and, of course, friends and family, but I'm not in a real hurry to go back.
October 14, 2008
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I just realized that today makes two months since I left my home in Barcelona and headed first to Italy and then to NYC. This means I only have two more months and a week to stay at Google. Ew, time flies so fast...
September 13, 2008
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Wow, I realized yesterday that I have already been in NYC for a full month! That means that I only have three left before leaving... time flies :-(
August 20, 2008
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Day 21 (August 8th): Some work at Google and went out later with a friend from work and the friends that are visiting from Barcelona. We went to a bar called Spice Market: quite fancy but also expensive and not that fun.
August 11, 2008
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August 7, 2008
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I should have posted this yesterday at most... but anyway, here it comes so that I do not forget about recent happenings. What I mean is that day 19th was yesterday (August 6th), not today!
August 7, 2008
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Wow... two weeks have passed already. Time flies :-(
August 3, 2008
nyc, series
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Day 13: Not much to comment, other than I finally got my welcome Google t-shirt!
August 2, 2008
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At last, my new apartment is... OMG confirmed! Will be moving on August 1st and will stay there for four months. The location is good because it is just one block away from Google and is also very close to lots and lots of pubs and restaurants.
July 30, 2008
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NYCBSDCon 2008 will take place in New York City on October 11th and 12th. Given that I am already in NYC and will still be by that time, I submitted a presentation proposal about ATF. I have just been notified that my proposal has been accepted and, therefore, I will be giving a talk on ATF itself and how it relates to NetBSD on one of those two days. The conference program and schedule have not been published yet, though, so keep tuned. Hope to see you there! :)
July 30, 2008
atf, netbsd, nyc
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One more day and nothing special to say. Just that I tried to open a bank account and they require two different IDs, which I was not carrying. Any idea about why is that?
July 29, 2008
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Not much to say today other than I was lazy to go running in the morning and that I have finally settled on an apartment. Will move in on Friday as long as I can figure out how to do the payment! (Probably need to deal with money orders, because I can't really get enough cash.)
July 28, 2008
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I've started uploading the photos of my stay in NYC to the Picasa Web Albums. Feel free to take a look in my page!
July 28, 2008
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Yet another exhausting day. After breakfast (which was pretty late today because I woke up late), I headed to the Apple Store in 5th Avenue. Instead of taking the subway, I walked all the way down through Central Park which accounts for 40 streets and a couple of avenues. Doing so was pretty nice, as the views in Central Park are amazing — and which is the reason why my camera had 93 photos when I got home. Lots of tourists along the way, though, and a rather funny sign along the way:
July 27, 2008
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Exhausting. Yes, that's the best word to describe today. I woke up early due to an unexpected phone call and went to have breakfast to some random place close to my current house. Then, and for the first time ever, I went to do the laundry. What a waste of time. Sure, I'd have returned home while the washing machine and the dryer were working but, taking 30 minutes each, it's difficult to do anything productive in these separate periods of time. I think that next time I'll just bring my clothes and let the people there do everything by themselves so that I can pick up the clean clothes in the evening... sure, you have to pay for that service, but it's worth the time savings!
July 26, 2008
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Wow. I got some complaints today for not publishing day 6 on time! Sorry, was too tired to write something yesterday evening.
July 25, 2008
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Today was a pretty cool day. Everything was like usual, which means running by Central Park in the morning and then going to work... but then, in the evening, several interns met to go for some beers at some random bar in downtown. Had a pretty nice time there and met several people at Google!
July 24, 2008
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Got up early (I'm still jet lagged so this is not difficult at all) and went running to Central Park. What a nice jogging track around the lake! Also surprising was the amount of people running at that hour of the day (7.30). Then I headed to Google early enough to have breakfast there and started to do some work. I'm starting to understand stuff, and it looks like that my work will be exciting! Can't wait until tomorrow to get there again and continue learning. I really wanted to experience this feeling again.
July 22, 2008
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Today I spent most part of the day at Google. I took a tour through the offices, dealt with paperwork and chatted with my boss. I don't know what things I can say about what I saw, so I will only mention one thing: the place is great. Looks like it'll be hard to leave when the internship finishes!
July 21, 2008
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Finally, my adventure in NYC started yesterday. I had to pick up the flight at 14.50 but it got delayed by an hour. In the end, the plane landed at around 19.15 local time (which means a damn lot of hours inside the plane). Going through immigration and customs was boring but easy.
July 20, 2008
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