pkgsrcCon 2007 report

pkgsrcCon 2007 is over. The conference started around 1:00pm on the 27th and has lasted until today^Wyesterday (the 29th) at around 7:00pm. There have been 10 different talks as planned, although we weren't able to follow the proposed schedule. Most of the presentations were delayed and some were shifted because the speakers could not arrive on time. Not a big deal though.

We have been, more or less, around 20-25 people. There were 30 registered, but a couple had to withdraw and some others did not come (for unknown reasons to us). Maybe the conferences were too technical or the schedule did not meet their expectations.

The thing is I originally intended to write a short report after each day, but I have had literally no life outside pkgsrcCon since Thursday night. Taking care of the organization has been time consuming (and I have done almost nothing!), not to mention that recording all the presentations was exhausting; more on this below.

Anyway, it has been an excellent experience. Meeting other pkgsrc developers in person has been very nice, plus they are all also very nice people too. Of course, their presentations were also interesting, and they showed extremely interesting ideas from their creators. I'm specially looking forward to seeing the preliminary results of one of the detailed projects (won't tell you which ;-).

So, what did we do? We started with a pre-pkgsrcCon dinner on Thursday night, which was the first encounter among all developers. The talks started the day afterwards in the afternoon, and when they were over we had some beers and dinner together. Saturday was more of the same, even though it had more talks. We then had dinner on a nicer restaurant; great, great time. The last talks happened on Sunday, after which we had some more beers and the last dinner all together.

I now have to compress all the video recordings and we have yet to decide if we will make them public and how. Stay tuned! (And don't hesitate to join for pkgsrcCon 2008; I'm sure you will enjoy it, at the very least as much as I did!)

April 29, 2007 · Tags: netbsd, pkgsrc, pkgsrccon
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