Showing 48 posts
A couple of things happened this week:
February 13, 2012
kyua, report
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1 minute)
February 7, 2012
atf, kyua, lutok, report
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1 minute)
This comes two days late... but anyway, I felt like posting it now instead of waiting until next Sunday/Monday.
The activity past week focused mostly on implementing support for the require.memory test-case metadata property recently introduced into ATF. This was non-trivial due to the need to write some tricky Autoconf code to make this "slightly portable". Seriously: It's scary to see how hard it is to perform, in a portable manner, an operation as simple as "query the amount of physical memory"... but oh well, such are the native Unix APIs...
I later spent the weekend on Lutok, preparing and publishing the project's first release and writing my first RPM library spec for it. This was a prerequisite for the upcoming 0.3 release of Kyua and thus deserved special attention!
February 1, 2012
kyua, lutok, report
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1 minute)
January 23, 2012
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
Finally some progress!
January 15, 2012
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
It's that time of the week again (although delayed by over a day). Unfortunately, no progress either during past week. Being on semi-vacations doesn't leave much "free time"... However, I traveled back home yesterday and getting back to my daily routine should give some spare time!
January 10, 2012
kyua, report
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1 minute)
Happy new year!
No activity past week as I was completely away from the computer.
January 3, 2012
kyua, report
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1 minute)
The post title should mention ATF instead of Kyua... but I'm keeping the usual one for consistency:
December 26, 2011
atf, report
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1 minute)
Unfortunately, not much activity this week due to travel reasons. Anyway, some work went in:
December 19, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
Some significant improvements this week:
December 11, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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2 minutes)
December 5, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
My goal for this past week was to change the database layer to be able to store full definitions of the test cases, and to later be able to load these while scanning an action. This is to allow the report command to provide all kinds of information about the executed tests, not just their names and their results. However, adding this functionality has proven to be more complex than I wished because the current types to represent test programs and test cases are kinda broken: that the abstractions chosen a while ago do not seem to be appropriate, and this is complicating further changes.
Due to this, I ended up doing some cleanups. First, I reimplemented the way in which test programs that fail to list their test cases are represented. And second, I got rid of the useless test_case_id class, which exposed even further problems in the data types that represent test cases.
It's now time to sit and think if the current representations of test programs and test cases make sense and, if not, how to better redo them. Not going to be easy, but I hope to have some time for this cleanup during this upcoming week.
November 28, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
I only have one thing to report this week, but oh boy it's big: the report command finally reports the results of a run of a test suite! Yes, you heard well: Kyua is, finally, able to keep a record of all the previous executions of test suites and allows you to extract reports of any of them a posteriori.
$ kyua test
[... wait for the tests to run ...]
Committed action 82
$ kyua report
===> Skipped tests
[... too long to show ...]
===> Expected failures
integration/cmd_report_test:output__console__change_file ->
expected_failure: --output not implemented yet:
atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
===> Failed tests
store/transaction_test:put_test_case__ok ->
failed: Line 663: stmt.step() not met
===> Summary
Action: 82
Test cases: 934 total, 15 skipped, 1 expected failures,
0 broken, 1 failed
November 20, 2011
kyua, report
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2 minutes)
Kyua has finally gained a report subcommand, aimed at processing the output data of an action (stored in the database) and generating a user-friendly report in a variety of formats. This is still extremely incomplete, so don't get your hopes too high yet ;-) The current version of the report command takes an action and all it does is dump its runtime context (run directory, environment variables, etc.). Consider it just a proof of concept.
November 14, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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2 minutes)
Many things have happened this week, but they can all be summarized in one single sentence: kyua test now records the results of the execution of a test suite into the SQLite database.
"Why is this important?", you ask. Well, that's a good question. Recording test results opens the gate to many long-awaited features that should be coming soon, such as the ability to inspect the history of a particular test, to query all available data of a test result and/or to generate a dashboard of test results. It's interesting to realize that most of these features are just one SQL query away. If you install Kyua, you can already run a few tests and then use kyua db-exec to issue arbitrary SQL queries against the database; the schema (see store/schema.sql) might look a bit convoluted, but a bunch of NATURAL JOINs will yield the desired output.
The feature requests that have the highest priority at this point are the ability to generate a report of the last tests run both as a text file and as an HTML dashboard, because having these features means we can finally kill the atf-run and atf-report pair. At this point I'm, once again, "stuck" while figuring out how to best organize the code to make all these things possible while still keeping a nice separation across the existing layers (cli, engine and store)... all without introducing much unnecessary complexity. But exciting times lie ahead!
November 7, 2011
kyua, report
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2 minutes)
October 31, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
October 23, 2011
kyua, report
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2 minutes)
October 16, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
October 9, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
October 3, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
Unfortunately, no activity this week other than some brainstorming on the database design.
Why? My shipment container from Dublin arrived and I spent most of the weekend organizing stuff, setting up my little NetBSD box and attending a friend's wedding!
September 26, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
September 18, 2011
kyua, lutok, report
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1 minute)
September 12, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
Slow week. We had some team-related events at work and I have friends over from Dublin, so it has been hard to find some time to do work on Kyua. Regardless, here comes the weekly report:
September 4, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
Not a very active week: I've been on-call four days and they have been quite intense. Plus I have had to go through a "hurricane" in NYC. That said, I had some time to do a bit of work on Kyua and the results have been nice :-)
August 28, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
August 21, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
August 15, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
August 8, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
August 1, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
July 25, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
Slow week. I've been busy moving to NYC!
July 18, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
One of the major features I want in place for Kyua 0.2 is the ability to run "foreign" test programs as part of a test suite: i.e. to be able to plug non-ATF test programs into a Kyuafile. The rationale for this is to lower the entry barrier of newcomers to Kyua and, also, to allow running some foreign test suites that exist in the NetBSD source tree but that are currently not run.
The work this week has gone in the direction outlined above among other things:
July 10, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
Belated update:
July 5, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
This has been the big week:
June 26, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
A couple of things have happened:
June 19, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
June 13, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
Some long-standing bug fixes / improvements have gone in this week:
June 5, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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2 minutes)
Some cool stuff this week, albeit not large-scale:
May 29, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
This week:
May 22, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
I spent past week in Ottawa, Canada, attending the BSDCan 2011 conference. The conference was composed of lots of interesting content and hosted many influential and insightful BSD developers. While the NetBSD presence was very reduced, I could have some valuable talks with both NetBSD and FreeBSD developers.
Anyway. As part of BSDCan 2011, I gave a talk titled "Automated testing in NetBSD: past, present and future". The talk focused on explaining what led to the development of ATF in the context of NetBSD, what related technologies exist in NetBSD (rump, anita and dashboards), what ATF's shortcomings are and how Kyua plans to resolve them. (Video coming soon, I hope.)
The talk was later followed by several questions and off-session conversations about testing in general in BSDs. Among these, I gathered a few random ideas / feelings:
May 16, 2011
atf, conference, kyua, report
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3 minutes)
Unfortunately, no progress whatsoever this week :-( Too busy at work and preparing my upcoming trips. Time to fly to BSDCan 2011 tomorrow.
May 8, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
Unfortunately, I have had no time for coding this week. The only things I could do were:
May 1, 2011
kyua, report
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1 minute)
Ouch; I'm exhausted. I just finished a multi-hour hacking session to get the implementation of the list subcommand in control. It is now in a very nice user-facing shape, although its code deserves a little bit of house cleaning (coming soon).
Anyway, this week's progress:
April 24, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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2 minutes)
April 17, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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3 minutes)
Few things worth mentioning this week as reviewing Summer of Code student applications has taken priority. The good thing is that there are several strong applications for NetBSD; the bad thing is that none relate directly to testing. Anyway, the work this week:
April 10, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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1 minute)
This week's work has been quite active on the ATF front but not so much in the Kyua one. I keep being incredibly busy on the weekends (read: traveling!) so it's hard to get any serious development work done.
What has happened?
April 3, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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2 minutes)
This has been a slow week. In the previous report, I set the goal of getting Kyua to run the NetBSD test suite accurately (i.e. to report the same results as atf-run), and this has been accomplished. Actually, the changes required in Kyua to make this happen were minimal, but I got side-tracked fixing issues in NetBSD itself (both in the test suite and in the kernel!). So, the things done:
March 27, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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3 minutes)
These days, I find myself talking about Kyua to "many" people. In particular, whenever a new feature request for ATF comes in, I promise the requester that the feature will be addressed as part of Kyua. However, I can imagine that this behavior leaves the requester with mixed feelings: it is nice that the feature will be implemented but, at the same time, it is very hard to know when because the web site of Kyua does not provide many details about its current status.
In an attempt to give Kyua some more visibility, I will start posting weekly activity reports in this blog. These reports will also include any work done on the ATF front, as the two projects are highly related at this point. I write these reports regularly at work and I feel like it is a pretty good habit: every week, you have to spend some time thinking about what you did for the project and you feel guilty if the list of tasks is ~zero ;-) It also, as I said, gives more visibility to the work being done so that outsiders know that the project is not being ignored.
Before starting with what has happened this week, a bit of context. I have been traveling like crazy and hosting guests over for the last 2 months. This has given me virtually no time to work on Kyua but, finally, I have got a chance to do some work this past week.
So, what are the news?
March 20, 2011
atf, kyua, report
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3 minutes)