Showing 37 posts
In Unix-like systems, “everything is a file and a file is defined as a byte stream you can open
, read
from, write
to, and ultimately close
”… right? Right? Well, not quite. It’s better to say file descriptors provide access to almost every system that the kernel provides, but not that they can all be manipulated with the same quartet of system calls, nor that they all behave as byte streams.
Because you see: network connections are manipulated via file descriptors indeed, but you don’t open
them: you bind
, listen
and/or connect
to them. And then you don’t read
from and write
to network connections: you somehow send
to and recv
from them. Device drivers are similar: yes, hardware devices are represented as “virtual files” in the /dev
hierarchy and many support read
and write
… but these two system calls are not sufficient to access the breath of functionality that the hardware drivers provide. No, you need ioctl
is the poster child of the system call that breaks Unix’s “everything is a file” paradigm. ioctl
is the API that allows out-of-band communication with the kernel side of an open file descriptor. To see cool examples, refer back to my previous article where I demonstrated how to drive graphics from the console without X11: in that post, we had to open
the console device, but then we had to use ioctl
to obtain the properties of the framebuffer, and then we had to mmap
the device’s content for direct access: no read
s nor write
s involved.
All the code I showed you in that earlier post was written in C to keep the graphics article to-the-point, but the code I’m really working on is part of EndBASIC, and thus it is all Rust. And the thing is, ioctl
s are not easy to issue from Rust. In fact, after 7 years of Rust-ing, it’s the first time I’ve had to reach for unsafe
code blocks, and there was no good documentation on how to deal with ioctl
. So this posts aims to fix that by presenting what ways there are to call ioctl
s from Rust… and, of course, diving a bit deeper into what ioctl
s actually are.
February 13, 2025
blogsystem5, rust, unix
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14 minutes)
Look, I like Rust. I really, really do, and I agree with the premise that memory-unsafe languages like C++ should not be used anymore. But claiming that Rust would have prevented the massive outage that the world went through last Friday is misleading and actively harmful to Rust’s evangelism.
Having CrowdStrike written in Rust would have minimized the chances of the outage happening, but not resolved the root cause that allowed the outage to happen in the first place. Thus, it irks me to see various folks blanket-claiming that Rust is the answer. It’s not, and pushing this agenda hurts Rust’s adoption more than it helps: C++ experts can understand the root cause and see that this claim is misleading, causing further divide in the systems programming world.
So, why won’t Rust help? Let me try to answer that question, but while we are at it, let’s also delve deeper into the causes of the outage. In a way, let me put my SRE hat on and write my own version of the postmortem.
July 23, 2024
blogsystem5, opinion, rust
Continue reading (about
12 minutes)
Hello again Blog System/5 and sorry for the radio silence for the last couple of months. I had been writing too much in here and neglecting my side projects so I needed to get back to them. And now that I’ve made significant progress on cool new features for EndBASIC, it’s time to write about them a little!
One of the defining characteristics of EndBASIC is its hybrid console: what looks like a simple text terminal at first glance can actually render overlapping graphics and text at the same time. This is a feature that I believe is critical to simplify learning and it first appeared with the 0.8 release back in 2021.
April 26, 2024
blogsystem5, endbasic, rust
Continue reading (about
16 minutes)
My January links recap included the “Phantom Types” article by David Soria Parra. In it, the author briefly touches upon the “new type” idiom, its typical implementation in Rust, and then proceeds to propose a better alternative. But the question arises: why should you care?
To answer why this idiom is useful, I want to present you with a real production problem we faced in the Storage Infrastructure team at Google circa 2010. That issue made me a convert and I’ve kept it in mind when designing APIs since then.
March 9, 2024
blogsystem5, rust, sre, twitter-thread
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4 minutes)
I’m a big fan of static typing and I’ve found that using narrow types for each entity in the object model of my programs reduces errors. Rust is particularly well-suited at this task: its lack of implicit type conversions eliminates surprises, and its ownership semantics allow type transformations with zero cost.
Unfortunately, (ab)using narrow types in an app’s domain is really annoying when writing tests. While non-test code rarely instantiates new objects—in the case of a REST service, this would only happen at the service’s boundaries—tests instantiate objects infinitely more times than non-test code. Code patterns that may seem reasonable in non-test code can become unbearable in tests.
In this post, I want to look into the various ways in which you can instantiate strongly-typed objects. For each, I show examples and describe their pros and cons. And yes, as a matter of fact, I have tried them all before… and I can’t yet make my mind as to which one is best.
October 6, 2023
programming, readability, rust
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10 minutes)
Initial versions of the EndBASIC Service, and therefore initial versions of EndTRACKER, used dynamic dispatch to support abstract definitions of system services such as the database they talk to and the clock they use. This looked like a bunch of Arc
When I generalized the core logic of these services into the III-IV framework, I decided to experiment with a switch to static dispatch. The rationale was that using static dispatch better aligns with the design of well-regarded crates in the Rust ecosystem, and also because I wanted to avoid unnecessary runtime costs in the foundational pieces of my web services.
Let me tell you that this decision was a huge mistake and that the experiment has utterly failed. Using static dispatch has been a constant source of frustration due to the difficulty in passing types around and reasoning about trait bounds. The situation had gotten so bad that I dreaded adding new functionality to my services whenever a change to a statically-typed struct was needed, because that meant adding yet another type parameter and plumbing it through tens of source files.
In lieu of the difficulties, which eventually turned into blockers to implementing new features, I made the choice of going back to dynamic dispatch. The goal was to gain ergonomics at the expense of a supposedly-negligible runtime cost. Let me tell you about the problems I faced, the refactoring journey, and some measurements I gathered after the rewrite.
August 6, 2023
endtracker, iii-iv, programming, rust
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13 minutes)
One of the things I'm most proud of the Rust web services I have written is how I can run their tests with zero setup and within milliseconds, all while making me confident that "main" can always be shipped to production. I've previously touched upon how this all works in other articles, but it's time for a deep dive.
To make things specific, I'll be describing the testing infrastructure of EndTRACKER, the EndBASIC Service, and the sample key/value store app of III-IV. These services are all structured in three separate layers, and I'll be covering the testing strategy for each of them.
July 7, 2023
endbasic, endtracker, iii-iv, programming, rust
Continue reading (about
19 minutes)
A couple of posts ago, I described why I built custom email subscriptions for this blog. I briefly mentioned that there is new automation that scrapes the RSS feed and sends new post notifications to you all. Today, it’s time to look into how this all works and how this is based on a new persistent task queuing service in Rust. The queue handles tasks to periodically scrape the RSS feed and schedule emails, all with various quota enforcers and retry policies in place. Read on for the design requirements and constraints of the task queue, how the client and worker Rust APIs look like, and how this all can be made to work inside the Azure Functions serverless runtime for minimal deployment hassle and cost.
June 23, 2023
endtracker, iii-iv, rust
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17 minutes)
Since its inception two years ago, the EndBASIC interpreter has been using an AST-based execution
engine. And during all this time, people have mocked the language for not allowing 10 GOTO 10
Well, fear not: the upcoming 0.10 release has full support for GOTO
, features that
were made possible by moving to a bytecode-based interpreter. Let’s take a peek at what the
problems were and how I addressed them.
November 22, 2022
endbasic, rust
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9 minutes)
Rust is infamous for having a steep learning curve. The borrow checker is the first boss you must defeat, but with a good mental model of how memory works, how objects move, and the rules that the borrow checker enforces, it becomes second nature rather quickly. These rules may sound complicated, but really, they are about understanding the fundamentals of how a computer works.
That said… the difficulties don’t stop there. Oh no. As you continue to learn about the language and start dealing with things like concurrency—or, God forbid, Unix signals—things can get tricky very quickly. To make matters worse, mastering idiomatic Rust and the purpose of core traits takes a lot of time. I’ve had to throw my arms up in frustration a few times so far and, while I’ve emerged from those exercises as a better programmer, I have to concede that they were exhausting experiences. And I am certainly not an expert yet.
So, yes, there is no denying in saying that Rust is harder than other languages. But… does it matter in practical terms?
Betteridge’s law of headlines says that we should conclude the post right here with a “no”—and I think that’s the right answer. But let’s see why.
May 6, 2022
featured, opinion, rust
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4 minutes)
Earlier this week, a 2-year old post titled I want off Mr. Golang’s wild ride by @fasterthanlime made the news rounds again. This post raises a bunch of concerns on the Go language and is posted from the perspective of someone who prefers Rust. And, just yesterday, I noticed a comment on Twitter by @FiloSottile that, paraphrased, reads “Why is there so much hatred towards Go, especially from Rust developers?”.
I wish I could answer this question with a “no, there isn’t”, but that would be a lie: in any large community, there will certainly be hateful people/opinions. If you have encountered such flamebait, I’m sorry, and I’m not here to defend it. What I’m here to do is look at the possible truth behind the claim that Rust developers dislike Go, and I wanted to elaborate on this based on my personal experience.
April 29, 2022
go, opinion, rust
Continue reading (about
6 minutes)
Dependency injection is one of my favorite design patterns to develop highly-testable and modular code. Unfortunately, applying this pattern by taking Rust traits as arguments to public functions has unintended consequences on the visibility of private symbols. If you are not careful, most of your crate-internal APIs might need to become public just because you needed to parameterize a function with a trait. Let’s look at why this happens and what we can do about it.
April 22, 2022
featured, rust
Continue reading (about
9 minutes)
Over the last couple of weeks, I have been modernizing the codebase of the EndBASIC cloud service by applying many of the learnings I got from the development of EndTRACKER. The latter was a fork of the former and thus the foundations were the same, but as I iterated on the latter more recently, I got to refine my approach to writing a REST API in Rust.
During this refactoring process, there was a small piece of the system that routinely got in the way for various reasons. This piece was the “database logger”.
April 12, 2022
db_logger, rust, software
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3 minutes)
After a very active month of development since the 0.5 announcement, it is time to welcome EndBASIC 0.6!
This new 0.6 release is super-exciting for three reasons:
You can dive right in by:
But stick around and continue reading if you are interested in many more details about these major changes 😉
February 19, 2021
endbasic, programming, release, rust
Continue reading (about
8 minutes)
One thing that bothers me quite a lot about various language implementations is that the core of their interpreter isn’t clearly separate from their standard library. This makes it hard to embed those interpreters into other programs because it’s not obvious how to limit their side-effects and because the interpreter dependency can be heavy. In this post, we will see how EndBASIC’s design tries hard to keep the core as small as possible, and we will see some examples on how to use EndBASIC from Rust and vice versa.
January 26, 2021
endbasic, programming, rust
Continue reading (about
7 minutes)
A month has passed since the 0.4.0 announcement so it is about time to say hello to yet another EndBASIC release because 0.5.0 is here! So, what’s new? Not much… unless you look under the covers, in which case a ton has changed. About 30% of the codebase has been affected in one way or another to improve general quality, so read on to see how.
January 24, 2021
endbasic, programming, release, rust
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3 minutes)
It is no secret that, in software development, the edit+build+test cycle must be as short as possible. The delay between saving a file and seeing the results has to be minimal and in the order of a few seconds, or else developers lose focus and productivity suffers.
It’s equally important to ensure that the code is held to certain quality standards. Compiler warnings, for example, are part of any compilation and catch a set of common problems. But there are a lot more health checks that can be performed, such as ensuring that the code matches predefined coding guidelines, running a more aggressive linter to catch bugs that compiler warnings don’t notice, or even using ASAN or TSAN to validate the code’s memory and thread safety.
January 8, 2021
automation, ci, rust
Continue reading (about
9 minutes)
About a month ago and after a long hiatus, I published EndBASIC 0.3 and the adrenaline rush that came with it got my wheels spinning again full-steam ahead. So here I am today, ready to announce the 0.4 release. But… “what could have possibly changed in just a month of someone’s free time”, you wonder? Enough, actually!
EndBASIC 0.4 is the release that fulfills my original goal of being able to run a “guess the number” game. The “only” change needed after 0.3 to make this possible was the addition of random numbers, but these in turn required adding function calls to back RND()
and also supporting floating point numbers because that’s what this function is supposed to return.
December 25, 2020
endbasic, programming, release, rust
Continue reading (about
13 minutes)
The most notable feature in EndBASIC 0.3 is its new full-screen console-based text editor. In this post, I describe why it is important and useful to unit-test a console app like this, and I will dive into how to implement unit tests that catch regressions and inefficiencies. Code samples are in Rust, but the concepts presented here are applicable to any language with minimal data abstraction facilities.
December 8, 2020
endbasic, featured, programming, rust
Continue reading (about
16 minutes)
I’ve been playing with the builder patter to express test scenarios in a succinct and declarative manner. I’ve liked the outcome and feel that this design can yield to pretty good test code, so I’ll dig through this idea here. Note that, while this post and the associated code talk about Rust, the ideas presented here apply to any language. So don’t leave just because I said Rust!
December 4, 2020
endbasic, programming, rust
Continue reading (about
6 minutes)
After a 6-month long hiatus caused by me hunting and changing jobs and cities, I am pleased to announce the release of EndBASIC 0.3! The Thanksgiving break has been as fruitful as I had hoped 😁
There are two major changes in this release.
The first is the official debut of the web-based interface. I introduced this months ago and have had it running on a “push on green” model, which means that the web deployment of EndBASIC is always tracking Git HEAD
. This has made formal releases irrelevant which is, in part, why 0.3 is so far behind 0.2. But… I do believe in formal releases so I’m hoping to put some effort and make the web UI track releases instead and then use the “push on green” flow only for a preview site.
November 29, 2020
endbasic, programming, release, rust
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2 minutes)
After a ton of work, a lot of which was unexpected, I am ecstatic to announce that EndBASIC is now a reality on the web! The whole language interpreter can now run as a fully client-side web app on a computer, on a tablet… and even on a phone. Yes: the whole thing, which is written in Rust (94%), works in a modern browser with just a tiny bit of JavaScript glue (1%).
May 30, 2020
endbasic, programming, rust
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7 minutes)
A couple of weeks ago, I announced EndBASIC: a simple BASIC language interpreter written in Rust with a goal to provide an environment for teaching my kids how to code. That first release provided what-I-think-is a robust interpreter, but that was about it: the language features were still minimal and the interactive features were non-existent.
Well, EndBASIC 0.2.0 is here and things are changing! It’s still far from the vision I want to reach, but it’s slowly moving towards that direction. I’m a bit less satisfied about the robustness of these new features compared to those in the core language, but that’s OK: they will have to change significantly or maybe even be dropped entirely, so no harm done.
May 7, 2020
endbasic, programming, release, rust
Continue reading (about
6 minutes)
Rust provides a bunch of traits that you may use or implement in your code, but unless you have experienced them first-hand, it can be hard to imagine what their real utility is. For example, if you go read Into’s documentation, all you find is:
A value-to-value conversion that consumes the input value. The opposite of
. […]
Yay, very useful. This text tells me what this trait does, which is fine for a reference manual, but not when I could find it useful. Mind you, during the initial code reviews for sandboxfs, my reviewer pointed out a few times that I should be using into()
or into_iter()
in a few places but I never quite figured out why.
April 27, 2020
programming, rust, sandboxfs
Continue reading (about
4 minutes)
Introducing EndBASIC, a new interpreter for a BASIC-like language that is inspired by Amstrad’s Locomotive BASIC 1.1 and Microsoft’s QuickBASIC 4.5. Like the former, EndBASIC intends to provide an interactive environment that seamlessly merges coding with immediate visual feedback. Like the latter, EndBASIC offers higher-level programming constructs and strong typing. The main idea behind EndBASIC is to provide a playground for learning the foundations of programming in a simplified environment.
April 22, 2020
endbasic, featured, programming, release, rust
Continue reading (about
3 minutes)
Over the summer, I prototyped a bunch of web apps whose ideas had been floating in my mind for a long time. I spent some time reading through REST API documentation pages and, as part of these exercises, implemented sample RESTful web services in both Go and Rust. (Just for context, the last time I wrote a web app was in high school… and it involved PHP, MySQL, and I think IE6? Times have changed.)
September 27, 2019
featured, programming, rust, webapp
Continue reading (about
16 minutes)
There is no good answer to this question: people tend to put Go and Rust in the same bucket because they were released at around the same time, because Rust’s release felt like a response to Go’s, and because they are marketed to similar audiences. They are, however, vastly different. So let’s give in and compare them anyway.
July 13, 2018
featured, go, programming, rust, sandboxfs
Continue reading (about
13 minutes)
Thought that the Rust review was over? Think again; I was just on vacation! I’m back now to conclude the series with a bunch of random thoughts and a surprise follow-up post.
The series is coming to an end. It’s time to summarize everything we have discussed so far and to cover a few more items that didn’t really deserve full posts of their own. Most of these miscellaneous items were thoughts that I jotted down while reading TRPL book. I will follow the same good/bad/ugly structure I used for the Go review a couple of years ago.
July 10, 2018
programming, rust
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5 minutes)
In this part of the review, I would like to focus on Rust’s ecosystem: in other words, how Rust plays with other parts of a functioning system and how Rust’s standard library vs. external libraries interact with each other. There are a lot of pieces to cover in these areas and they have left me with mixed feelings. Let’s look at some.
The std
library feels generally well-thought out and full of features.
June 22, 2018
programming, rust
Continue reading (about
4 minutes)
“The Rust Programming Language” is one of the free books that the community has put together to teach the language. The book does a good job in general, but there are some things that could be better. Let’s cover these, but first, some background.
A couple of years ago, right after getting started with Rust, I tried to go through the book’s first few chapters. It all sounded cool… but the first edition of the book moved at a glacially slow pace because it covered things in excruciating detail. E.g. the first chapter I remember was about string formatting, which detailed pretty much all there is on this topic. “Who cares? You don’t need to know all these details upfront to get started.” I thought. So I gave up.
June 19, 2018
programming, rust
Continue reading (about
4 minutes)
A commonly-acclaimed feature of Rust is its match
keyword: a “conditional on steroids”. match
lets you take the value of an expression and compare it against a bunch of values—or, more generally, patterns.
As you write and read Rust, you will notice that this keyword is used everywhere because it’s the way to access certain types, like Option
values or error codes.
For example:
match node.get_parent() { // node is an Option<Something>.
Some(parent) => {
// Do something with "parent", which we know points to a node.
None => {
// There is no parent so do something else.
In the snippet above, we have a match
statement with two arms. One key detail to observe is how the parent
variable, which was used as a pattern to peek inside the Some
value, is only available in the first arm. The None
arm has no access to the parent
variable, which is obvious because there is no parent in this case.
June 15, 2018
programming, rust
Continue reading (about
3 minutes)
Rust resembles a functional language in many ways although it does not claim to be one. In fact, I have been thinking of Rust as a “pragmatic Haskell” or as a “well-balanced mixture between C++ and Haskell”.
One of the ways the functional aspects show up is via expressions and how pretty much any construct in Rust can be treated as an expression. But before we begin, a little warning: the examples below are, by no means, idiomatic Rust—I just hope they are simple enough to illustrate what I want to show.
June 12, 2018
programming, rust
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4 minutes)
Writing Rust code is not restricted to programming gurus—but there is no denying that the learning curve is steeper than that of other languages. Or is it? In this post, I’ll try to convince you that the curve does feel steep, but it isn’t when taken into perspective.
Let’s first start by stating that learning a language is not the same as learning its syntax. Learning a language involves learning the syntax, of course, but it also involves familiarizing oneself with its common idioms and grabbing a good sense of what the standard libraries provide. Picking up the syntax can be easy as is the case for Go and Python—both of which can be learned in a single day—but the idioms and libraries require weeks, if not months, of frequent practice.
June 8, 2018
programming, rust
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4 minutes)
The one thing that blew my mind about Rust is its approach to data sharing in concurrent situations.
I had always thought of mutexes as something that is easy to get wrong and was convinced that the use of a RAII pattern to prevent lock leaks never happen (like with Abseil’s MutexLock
) was the panacea. (I’m a fan of RAII in C++ by the way, in case you haven’t noticed.)
As Rust has taught me, that’s far from the truth: in Rust, you protect the data, not the code. What this means is that, e.g. a mutex is not an object to control access to a piece of data: a mutex is a container for a piece of data. It is impossible to access the data without going through the mutex.
June 5, 2018
programming, rust, sandboxfs
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5 minutes)
Aaaah, the borrow checker: the dreaded enemy lurking within the Rust compiler, ready to make its move to bring pain to your life by preventing your code from compiling. Or that’s what everyone seems to say, which is one of the reasons I put off learning Rust for so long. In reality… the borrow checker is a blessing, but it is true that getting past its gates is difficult at first.
June 1, 2018
programming, rust, sandboxfs
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3 minutes)
Let’s start the deep dive by looking into a powerful feature of Rust: all variables and references are immutable by default unless qualified with mut
To understand why this is important, let’s cover some context first. One of my pet peeves when reviewing C++ code is to ask authors to sprinkle the const
qualifier everywhere: if something ain’t mutated, say so explicitly. This includes marking local variables, function arguments, function return values, class attributes, etc. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people that argue that doing so is stupid: const
doesn’t help the compiler apply optimizations and it makes the code harder to write. So why should everything be marked immutable?
May 29, 2018
programming, rust
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3 minutes)
I had been meaning to learn Rust since I first toyed with Go a couple of years ago. During this period, I’ve written a non-trivial amount of Go code both inside and outside Google, but never found the chance to sit back and learn Rust.
This changed a month ago during my yearly family trip to Korea. This time around, I decided upfront that I would not work on any personal or work projects for the 2-week long vacation. Instead, I would focus all spare time in reading. And I would read “The Rust Programming Language”, second edition. The plan worked: getting through the book took the two weeks and I barely wrote any code.
May 25, 2018
programming, rust, sandboxfs
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3 minutes)