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It has already been a week since the last SoC-related post, so I owe you an status report. Development has continued at a constant rate and, despite I work a lot on the project, it may seem to advance slowly from an external point of view. The thing is that getting the ATF core components complete and right is a tough job! Just look at the current and incomplete TODO list to see what I mean.
July 28, 2007
atf, soc, tmpfs
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A bit more than a year ago, I reported that tmpfs was being ported to FreeBSD from NetBSD (remember that tmpfs was my Google SoC 2005 project and was integrated into NetBSD soon after the program ended). And Juan Romero Pardines has just brought to my attention that tmpfs is already part of FreeBSD-current! This is really cool :-) The code was imported to FreeBSD-current on the 16th as seen in the commit mail, so I suppose it will be part of the next major version (7.
June 22, 2007
freebsd, tmpfs
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The implementation of an efficient memory-based file system (tmpfs) for NetBSD was my Google Summer of Code 2005 project. After the program was over, the code was committed to the repository and some other developers (specially YAMAMOTO Takashi) did several fixes and improvements in it. However, several problems remained in it that prevented tagging it release quality (see this thread). Finally I found some time to deal with most of them, something that has kept me busy for around three weeks (and which I should have done much, much earlier).
November 11, 2006
netbsd, tmpfs
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vnd(4) is the virtual disk driver found in NetBSD. It provides a disk-like interface to files which allows you to treat them as if they were disks. This is useful, for example, when a file holds a file system image (e.g. the typical ISO-9660 files) and you want to inspect its contents. Up until now vnd(4) used the vnode's bmap and strategy operations to access the backing file. These operate at the block-level and therefore do not involve any system-wide caches; this is why they were used (see below).
November 9, 2006
netbsd, tmpfs, vnd
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The NetBSD coding style guide, also known as Kernel Normal Form (KNF), suggests to prefix a struct's members with a string that represents the structure they belong to. For example: all struct tmpfs_node members are prefixed by tn_ and all struct wsdisplay_softc members start with sc_. But why there is such a rule? After all, the style guide does not mention the reasons behind this. The first reason is clarity. When accessing a structure instance, whose name may be anything, seeing a known prefix in the attribute helps in determining the variable's type.
April 18, 2006
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It has just been brought to my attention that tmpfs is being ported to FreeBSD by Rohit Jalan. These are good news: more eyes looking at the code (even if it has been modified to work on another OS) means that more bugs can be catched.
April 14, 2006
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Dr. Dobb's Journal is running a set of mini-articles promoting Summer of Code projects. Next month's issue includes the tmpfs' introductory article, written by me and William Studenmund, the project's mentor. Looks like you have to register to access the full article; previous issues used to have them publically available. Personally, I'm going to wait for the printed version :-)
February 11, 2006
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My Summer of Code project, tmpfs, promised that I would write documentation describing how file systems work in NetBSD (and frankly, I think this point had to do a lot with my proposal being picked up). I wrote such documentation during August but I failed to make it public — my mentor and I first thought about making it an article (which would have delayed it anyway) but soon after it became apparent that that structure was inappropriate.
January 27, 2006
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In the first part, we saw what a directory is and gave some fuzzy ideas on how it is implemented. Let's now outline the most common operations run on directories: lookup and readdir. The lookup operation receives a path component name (a string without slashes) and returns the node pointed to by this name within the directory, assuming, of course, that the entry exists. Otherwise, it tells the caller that the entry is missing or incorrect (i.
November 18, 2005
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A file-system directory is an object that maps file names to nodes (i-nodes in UFS terminology). When given a file name, the directory must be able to tell whether it has that name or not and return the node number attached to it. File names are not stored in the nodes themselves as this allows for hard link creation flawlessly: you can have multiple directory entries pointing to the same file with no extra cost.
November 17, 2005
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Being part of Planet SoC, I think it is a good idea to post this: I've just received Google's cheque for my Summer of Code 2005 tmpfs project! I'm happy :-) Unfortunately, due to some tax issues, Google has withhold a 30% of the original payment. I hope to be able to ask for a refund the next year...
October 24, 2005
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After two weeks of work, the NFS exports lists rototill that I briefly outlined in this past post is finished and committed into NetBSD's source tree. Believe it or not, the whole set of changes was triggered by a XXX mark in mountd(8)'s code (in other words, fixing code marked as such is not always trivial). In the past, when a file system wanted to support NFS, it had to include two fields in a fixed position of its mount arguments structure due to the broken way in which mountd(8) handled the mount(2) calls.
September 23, 2005
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I don't know about other linkers, but GNU ld provides a very useful feature: link sets. A link set is a list of symbols constructed during link time which can then be inspected in regular code. This is very interesting in situations when you want to initialize several subsystems from a centralized place but don't know which of these will be available; that is, you don't know which ones will be in the final binary.
September 18, 2005
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While adding NFS support to tmpfs, I found how NetBSD currently manages NFS exports from userland. The interface is, IMHO, scary. As NetBSD aims for clean code and design, it must be fixed. See my mail to the tech-kern@ mailing list for more details on the issue and a preliminary patch.
September 11, 2005
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After listening to many queries from developers asking when tmpfs could be integrated into NetBSD, I finally imported the code into the CVS repository. I'm really happy about this :-) Development will be simplified from now on and it will be a lot easier for interested parties to test the code. Please read the announcement for more information. I'd like to comment now some of the improvements I've been doing during the past days, which mostly addressed optimization.
September 10, 2005
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NFS uses a structure called a file handle to uniquely identify exported files. When a client requests to access a file, the server constructs a file handle that identifies it; from this point on, this identifier will be used in all communications between the server and the client to access that specific file. (Look at the fs_vptofh and fs_fhtovp hooks in NetBSD's VFS layer to see how this mapping works.)
September 10, 2005
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So... the deadline for Google's Summer of Code 2005 program arrived some time between yesterday and today (don't know exactly due to timezones). The final results from my side: a functional memory file-system (not efficient yet) for NetBSD named tmpfs, as well as the beginnings of a book/article on file-system development under NetBSD. As regards the file-system itself, its code can be found in the CVS repository. Despite it has some bugs and misfeatures, it is functional from the user's point of view.
September 1, 2005
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Despite I don't like doing premature announcements of my projects, I've been kind of forced to do it for tmpfs. The reason is that SoC's deadline is really close now and people should have a chance to test it. Not to mention that the code won't suffer any serious improvements in the subsequent days, so delaying the announcement is not worth it either. You can read the announcement in my mail to the tech-kern@ mailing list, which also includes a step-by-step guide to test tmpfs.
August 26, 2005
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This past week has not been excessively productive because I spent some time dealing with long overdue pkgsrc tasks (mainly updating GNOME to 2.10.2, the latest stable version) and was away from computer more time than usual. Anyway, I have done a bunch of things, although they are not as visible as the work from other weeks (this is, in part, why I felt less productive). I started by adding support for local sockets, which was easy enough to do but caused panics (specially when switching /tmp to tmpfs and starting an X session).
August 23, 2005
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I started this week's work by reading the first chapters of Design and Implementation of the UVM virtual memory system to see if I'd learn how to manage anonymous memory. I had been suggested to use anonymous memory objects (aobjs, for short) to store file contents, so I was shown with the task to learn what they are and how to use them. I have to confess that I was afraid of not knowing how to complete the read/write operations for the file-system, because things were very confusing to me even after reading the document.
August 15, 2005
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This past week has been quite productive as regards my SoC project, tmpfs, although at the beginning I was a bit stalled (and afraid of not knowing how to solve the problems I had). I started trying to fix the rmdir operation, which was broken since its addition. Thanks to the dedicated test machine, I was able to discover the point of failure quite easily because it panic'ed long before the iBook did.
August 8, 2005
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It is common knowledge that usages of the goto statement are potentially dangerous in any structured programming language, as their abuse can quickly make your code unreadable. This is why this construction is seldom explained to people learning how to program and their use is strongly discouraged. However, there are some situations in which it is very useful and, despite what some people might say, makes your code more readable. I had never used gotos before, but have experienced this recently while writing tmpfs.
August 7, 2005
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During the past month, I had to do all tmpfs development on my laptop. This includes coding and testing. If you have ever done any kernel hacking you know what this means: reboot every now and then to test your changes, which can drive you crazy after few reboots (specially if things keep breaking). So when I got back home, the first thing I did was to set up a machine I had lying around for kernel testing exclusively.
August 5, 2005
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It has been a long time since the previous status report; I'm sorry for that, but I haven't been able to publish one earlier. The good thing is I'm finally back from my vacations, so I'll able to work on tmpfs more seriously and continuously from now on (and I have to!). Anyway, to the point of this post. I've just pushed all the changes I had in my work tree to the mainstream CVS server.
August 2, 2005
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The text below is a message I just sent to NetBSD's tech-kern mailing list. I'm reproducing it here with better formatting and with some e-mail specific sentences removed. The tmpfs code is up to the point where I have to start implementing the vnode operations. To do this, I have to decide how to organize the file data in memory as well as all other information needed to manage it.
July 19, 2005
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After several days since the previous status report, it's time for a new one. During the past week, I've improved several aspects of the existing code, without adding many new stuff. First of all, I added several other VFS hooks needed to avoid crashes due to null pointers and completed the code up to the point where the file system can be mounted and unmounted (the latter was more difficult than I thought).
July 18, 2005
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During this past week, I've been working a bit on my SoC project; only a bit because I had to prepare the slides for the NetBSD presentation I'm giving tomorrow at Partyzip@. Fortunately, from now on I won't have anything else to do, so I'll be able to devote all my time to tmpfs :-) So... here is a little status report: I started the week reading the I/O chapter from the Design and Implementation of the 4.
July 9, 2005
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I've just set up the NetBSD-SoC: Efficient memory file-system project page. At the moment, it includes a list of the project goals, a copy of the original proposal text (in case you would like to read it) and a list of existing documentation. This page will be extended to hold technical information as well as installation instructions (that is, how to merge the code in that page with NetBSD's source tree) when the project matures during the summer.
June 27, 2005
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The NetBSD Project has set up a project at the Sourceforge site that aims to centralize the development of the eight projects chosen for the Summer of Code program. Its name is NetBSD-SoC and its page contains information about all the elected projects, information about mailing lists of interest and a CVS repository for the students and their mentors. Read the official announcement for more information. As regards my project, I'll start filling up its page in the site when I've got access to it (probably tomorrow).
June 26, 2005
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After a very long delay, Google has finally chosen the projects that will be part of the Summer of Code program. There seems to be no official announcement in the page yet, but I already received a mail... and... my project is accepted! :-) I briefly outlined my project some days ago, but I'll explain it in more detail now (copying some paragraphs from the application form verbatim). At the moment, NetBSD includes a memory-based file-system called mfs.
June 25, 2005
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